

Our packaging products and carrier bags in bioplastic are made from corn starch, a renewable and 100% compostable raw material. These products have been tested extensively by the certification body TÜV Austria (formerly Vinçotte). Our bio carrier bags and bio packaging comply with the European standard for compostable packaging EN13432, and are certified with the following quality marks:

OK Compost

All of our bio carrier bags and bio packaging are certified with the OK Compost label and meet the stringent requirements of the European standard for compostable packaging, EN 13432. Carrier bags and packaging with the OK Compost label are guaranteed to compost within 12 weeks in an industrial composting installation (at temperatures from 55 °C to 60 °C). The quality mark also applies for all aspects of the carrier bag or packaging, including inks and additives.

OK Compost Home

Some of our bio packaging products, especially the thin films such as mailing films, carry the OK Compost Home label. These products compost at lower and less constant temperatures, conditions which are typical of compost heaps in the garden. Home composting is a more difficult and slower process. Products with the OK Compost Home label are allowed to be deposited on the compost heap and also in the bio waste bin.


Some of our bio carrier bags may also carry the Seedling label. Just like the OK Compost certification scheme, this Seedling quality mark is based on the European compostability standard, EN13432. Considering that the basic principles for both certificates are the same, the Seedling and OK Compost logo do overlap to a certain extent. However, recognition of the two labels differs: Seedling enjoys greater recognition in the Netherlands, Germany, UK, etc. while the OK Compost label is found more often in Belgium, France and Italy. This additional certificate is an effort to increase the identity of our bio-packaging products in Europe.

How can you recognize a certified bio packaging product or a bio carrier bag?

A certified bio product can be identified by the quality label printed on it. At least one of the above-mentioned quality labels are printed on our certified bio carrier bags and bio packaging.

It should be noted that the certification is only valid if the code of the license holder is specified with the label. This code guarantees the authenticity of the compostability claim, allows you to trace the product and take steps in the event of misuse. The code begins with an "S" followed by 4 digits for OK Compost and OK Compost Home packaging. This is a P-number for the Seedling logo.

The S-code for ALPAGRO Packaging is S0074 for the OK Compost and OK Compost Home labels and 7P2006 for the Seedling logo.

What tests are performed to obtain the OK Compost (Home) certificate?

The same tests are performed for OK Compost and OK Compost Home, but the temperature and the period of the tests differ. OK Compost packaging breaks down at temperatures from 55 °C to 60 °C, which is only possible in an industrial composting installation. OK Compost Home packaging breaks down at lower and less constant temperatures which are typical for a compost heap.

Four tests are carried out to see if a packaging product meets the European standard for compostable packaging EN13432:

  • Biodegradation test: The chemical degradability of the polymer.
  • Disintegration test: The physical disintegration into very small fragments.
  • Eco-toxicity test: Verify whether the composted product has an adverse effect on plants.
  • Test the amount of heavy metals and fluorine content.

Do you want to know more about environment certification labels issued by TÜV Austria? Visit the website www.tuv-at.be for more information.